Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Monday, May 20, 2013

Our trip to Hawaii:)

The whole family on the way to the Airport!
Well we did it!!! We are home, but we had a wonderful time! I have over 400 pictures in my Hawaii file of pictures, I won't try to post them all but, will try to give you a few of the fun one's and show you a small bit of all the fun that we had.  And it truly was a blast! But I think I want to show you the last picture I took rather than the first.  It will show you exactly how Ron felt when we finally got home.  Ron was worn out!!! Don't get me wrong he did have fun! But his body was pushed to its max I think this week.  He wanted to be with everyone as much as he could!
This is Ron (and Rocky) we got home at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning we took the red eye home.  
He stayed this way for a good 3 hours neither moved at all! 
So day 1, we stayed at a condo on Turtle Bay.  It was so perfect, we walked out of the back porch door, and walked 20 feet to a beautiful pool.  Or your could walk an extra 10 feet and you were on the beach! So needless to say we walked back and forth between the two places a lot.  It was so great we didn't need to get in the car to go any where! Except for the Matsumoto shaved ice that is! 

Airport waiting for the plane.
Our Beach!!! 
 Maggie decided to try the sand.  It didn't taste too good. 

 This is just outside our condo.  We really were so blessed! It was beautiful!
Day 2 we went to the Hawaii temple.  What a very special day.  Spending time serving was such a blessing! And then to have our whole family there, just added more to a wonderful day.
Lindsey and her girls.
 The top of the temple doors says, 
"Holiness To The Lord - The House of The Lord"
Ron and Lori in front of The Temple

Chase and Kaylee   ----  Logan and Lauren
 Preston and Lindsey 
 This was one of our favorite places to come! It's not just shaved ice it's so much better!!! If you go to Hawaii you must go here!  YUM!!!!!
Having so much fun on the beach! 
                                                            Emma and Grace found a turtle on Turtle Bay haha so much fun! 
Horse Back riding on the Beach too!!!
 Emma let Logan pull out her tooth! The tooth fairy was very good to Emma in Hawaii! 
An evening at Hawaii. 
 Who wouldn't want to grill with that view! 
The "original Beckstrand family:) We have a moto in our family "No Empty Chairs" and we are so happy that we have been able to add many more chairs to our table, both through marriage and grandchildren! We Love them All!!!!
Grace is not soooo light on her feet, she is always on the go, and on the ground!   She was showing us how she could twirl her dress and slipped and fell, she hit her eye and got a shinier! This pic doesn't show it as bad as it looked but it turned a nice purple.  Grace was actually quit proud of it! 
Last stop Friday Polynesian Cultural Center All kinds of Fun! Long Day!!!

Lindsey has told me many times that my blog gets boring because I don't put enough pictures on it! So I hope I haven't put an overload of pictures, but like I said, I took a lot! And this is just few! 
This spider was outside our door! The white lines are part of his web he made! I thought it was really cool! 
We had our own Hawaiian baby! But we deemed her our "goat" sorry Maggie she sounded like a goat when ever she cried for her Mom!  
We were so blessed to have Lauren join us! The wedding is scheduled for August 24th! So when the vacation is over we will now have another fun and very exciting thing to look forward to! We had a great chance to get to Know Logan's bride to be well this week! They are so happy and we are so happy for them.  She fits right into the family. And after spending a week with all of us she knows us well too! Welcome the the Beckstrand clan Lauren, we are so glad to add a chair for you at our table! 
 Chase and his sweet Kaylee girl!!! Such a fun and cute couple!!! They always keep us laughing! Chase and his jokes and Kaylee that she always laughs!!! 
 Pres and Diz and there 3 girls!! We love our grandchildren so very much!! We tease Lindsey that we are so glad she gave them to us (which we are) but we truly love her and Press too! They are such great parents! 
Love my girls!!!!
 Emma and her Hawaiian girl hair!

Just a few more fun pictures of the wild life we saw and fun on the beach before we had to come home! 
Turtle above seal below! The girls loved it!!!
 Pop and Maggie! 
 That is a seal behind them!!
 Fun in the sand!!
Ron always came everywhere we went. He was usually holding up the umbrella or the baby.

Chase was very proud of his dad....notice the shirt! He's trying to convert his dad to be a Kobe fan, I don't think it will happen!
And so this is all the SAD faces because we are now leaving for the airport to come home to cold and rainy Utah! But we really had a great time! What a blessing! 
Good bye to Condo 108 we had memories to last a life time!!!
Rons hands which have been so cracked and peeling are now nice and smooth! I think all the moisture in the air made them feel so much better! 30 years lots of ups and downs but all of them together!!! I love you Ron! Thanks for everything!!!
So we are now home and will begin to once again prepare for more treatments!!! We still have two weeks off before Ron goes back for his scheduled scans....MRI, CT, infusions and then the RESULTS!!!!! That will be the first week of June.  So we will now recoup from this wonderful trip and begin to gear up for that, until then we will keep everyone updated on anything else that may happen, you just never know! I am just so very thankful that we were able to have this wonderful vacation with only 1 black eye and a lost tooth! We have been so very cared for! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Quick up date....

Who would have ever thought that back in October when Ron was told he had cancer, that we would be able to say, "How very blessed we are."  I feel like we have been given so many wonderful opportunities, these past few months that it is a bit overwhelming! So here we are, in Hawaii celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary, Ron's birthday, Mothers day and having a family vacation of a life time! The grandkids are having a ball, the big kids are too! Ron is feeling good and doing what he feels like doing, and what he doesn't feel like then he doesn't do! I have taken lots of pictures and will share when we get back but thought this one of me and Ron kinda says it all!  On the beach loving the evening breeze! 

Happy Birthday to Ron and Happy Mothers day to me.  

 We all got to go the the Hawaii Temple! It was so wonderful! 
Best day ever! Our whole family at such a special place! 

Like I said Ron is doing well.  Spending time with the family and really just watching everyone have fun! We are so very blessed.  Logan and his fiancĂ© Lauren are to the left, then Preston, holding Maggie, Lindsey, Ron, me, Kaylee and Chase, Emma and Grace in front.  The whole Beckstrand Family. It feels good to take some time out of the fight and enjoy not having to go to all the appointments, doctor visits etc.  We know it will all resume when we get home, and prepare for session 4.  So we will begin to fight once more.  But until then Aloha!!!