Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 2014

Ron, Dr. Agarwal (in the middle) Jared Thorley, APRN
These two men have taken such great care of Ron.  We owe them so much.  They are not just doctors, they really are amazing, and show the care they have for Ron every time we see them.   I can not say enough good about them.  

Ron was VERY sick on Sunday (Easter) night, he began feeling sick and it all went down hill from there.  A very long night of the stomach flu.  Not from the cancer just a bad bug!!! But it hit him very hard.  Monday we were in the Acute Care at HCH for the entire day.  Four bags of fluids multiple drugs to fight the pain and other symptoms.  He was released that evening around 7 pm, home for the night and then back to the HCH infusion room today for his monthly infusion for his bones.  Not exactly what either one of us had planed for the week.  We are home again and the picture up top shows a much happier Ron than you would have seen a day earlier.  

The visit with the doctor's went well.  Ron's labs all look great and he will continue on the chemo that he is currently on until we meet the doctor's again in a month!!! The goal..... not to have to go the the HCH until then!!! May 20th all the "fun" test begin again.  Until then we will work on that goal, as well as spend as much time as possible with our children, their spouses and of course our 3 beautiful granddaughters. 

One of our beloved prophets had this to say, "Grant us faith to look beyond the problems of the moment to the miracles of the future." - Gordon B. Hinckley 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and as I heard so many people say how thankful they are for the knowledge of the blessing of the resurrection.  We too echo that thankfulness for knowing that the Savior died for all man kind.  We know he lives again and we too will be able to live with him again some day.  What a glorious day that will be.  And until then we will keep striving to live in accordance to his will.  Love and Thanks to all!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 19, 2014 We did it!!!

This is me and my good friend Cindy!!! I could not have done it without her!!! Half Marathon 13.1 miles.  It was a beautiful day perfect for a run.  Cindy stayed with me the whole time always giving me the encouragement that I needed.  She wore her orange for Ron and I wore my "HERO" tee shirt.  I don't think I want to ever do it again, but I did do it!!! We dedicated the run to Ron which made it all the better and we got it done. 3hours and 1 min.  We wanted to do it in under 3 we did pretty darn good.  Thanks Cindy for helping me in every way!!! 
Running across the finish line!!
Ron was waiting for me at the race end!! Wearing his orange "Big Daddy" shirt Oh how I love this man!!!! He really is a 'Hero"
Chase and Kaylee were also waiting for us.  Kaylee did the bike race today due to an injured foot.  She is awesome!!!! Chase took care of Ron.  Always staying close to his dad. 
Never has anything ever tasted so good as that banana creamy waiting for us at the end. 

Ron has his long day at the Huntsman on Tuesday with his monthly infusion.  Then it's off the AZ!!!
Look out Logan and Lauren we are all coming your way!!! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Happy Tax Day hahaha April 15, 2014

I have not posted for a while, and that is because we have been trying to be as "active" as possible these past few weeks as Ron has not had to go into the hospital as much.  He is still on his chemo and taking it once a day.  The side effects have not been as hard on him with this chemo as the past, which has been very nice.  Still tired with not a lot of strength but he is very tough and pushes through all that he can.  We have had birthday parties, spring break, and have been enjoying the Sun here in Utah and look forward to Arizona in just a few weeks.  When we get back from our trip all the "BIG TEST" will begin again.  Always a nerve racking thing.  Waiting and hoping for good results.  But until then we will spend time with the ones we love!!!

Maggie our youngest grand-daughter is truly "in LOVE" with Pop.  And I think the feeling works both ways.  They are so cute together!!! 
 Chase had a birthday and so that was cause for a night of food and FUN!! Love you Chase!!! 

This Saturday the Salt Lake Marathon/Half Marathon is going on.  I will be running in honor of Ron. It's cause this year is Huntsman Hometown Heroes.  And all the money will go directly to Huntsman Cancer Research Institute.  And I will be running for my HERO!!! Just the half but I will be thinking of him my Hero the whole time!!!

The HCC has a "Circle of Hope" when you drive up to the entrance and it truly is just that!!! It gives you such hope!!

We will continue with the fight and will never give up hope!!!

I love this quote, "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.  To one without faith, no explanation is possible."  --St. Thomas Aguiras