Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 3 of 2A...

Like I said earlier we love our kids.  Our cute Lindsey came and spent some much needed time with her dad and her mom enjoyed having her here too! Wow yesterday was a long day for Ronald.  He had the worse reaction I have ever seen.  But thats all good right? That is what we are counting on!

We had lots of visitors, too bad Ron wasn't really in a frame of mind to visit, but he knows he is loved by so many! Because of the reaction he and his body were spent.  I can't believe how it really just wiped him out!  And because of this they decided not to dose him again last night and give him a chance to reprieve.  Much needed! So he was given a sleeping aid that helped a bit being in the hospital even with sleep aid is hard to really sleep, but I think he was able to get a bit:)

So it is now shift change here at the hospital we have been blessed to have our "favorite" nurses so far! And just found out that we get Jake today another great nurse, young man who is so good to Ron that really makes it so much easier on him!

We are planing on him being dosed again most likely early this morning, so Ron is getting ready to dance again! Thanks once more for the prayers and please don't stop we need them all!

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