Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 3 cont.

Well it's been a very long day!!!  As I said earlier Ron's creatinine level was too high for him to dose.  So he didn't get a dose last night and first thing this morning labs were taken again and we couldn't believe it but his level was exactly the same!  With that we thought maybe he would be done but they said they would wait and re-check him at noon.  Noon labs came and his level was still as high! So they still said we will wait for the 6:00 p.m. labs and if there is no change Ron will be sent home.  So pretty much all day was a waiting game.

Some fun things did happen though! Ron got a special delivery package from his 3 favorite girls in the world!!! Emma, Grace and Maggie, we used the gift to decorate his medicine tree with.  So fun!!!

Here is Ron standing next to his tree with as you can see the cute pictures hanging on it! We LOVE our granddaughters!!!

7:30p.m. And labs are back...... It truly is amazing!!! Ron's level is now at a 1 yep lower than it was even the first day when he came in! So yes sir he is going to have another dose! Lets go dancing!!!

Right after we got the news that all his counts were good and in line for another dose another wonderful thing happened we got a visit from some of my most favorite young ladies in the world!!!  We are so blessed to live where we do and have such love and support! Thank you all so much it meant the world to me and Ron to have you all come you are the BEST!!!!
It's now 10:00 p.m. or shortly after and his dose #4 has just begun! I'm afraid it may be a LONG night! But that is why we are here and what a blessing for the numbers to come down the way they did, everyone was very sure that he was going to be done and going home! Never underestimate the power of the Ron or "Big Daddy" as his work associates call him! I'm so proud of him this has been a long day and I'm afraid he's in for a long night and maybe another long day tomorrow but thats what it's all about and we will never give up!!! Once again the blessings just seem to flow our way! We know it's from all the faith and prayers of so many! Thank you, Thank you, and please don't stop!

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