Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Morning of day 2 - IL2 - 3B - May 30 - Tuedsay

The night was long as is to be expected up here, but not as bad or terrible as it has been.  Ron was able to get some sleep, his blood pressure keeps going way down, and they have to keep giving him things to help bring it back into a normal range.  This is not usual for Ron as he has high blood pressure, but when he comes in here nothing is normal!

His creatine is up once again! Above a 2.  This means more waiting.  Liquids, walking, and sleeping, in hopes that by this afternoon when they do more labs it will be back at a better number and he will be able to receive his next dose, until then we wait.

He has once again had the best care possible here, always the best nurses, they fight over who gets Ron, he is always so kind to everyone, I think they like that they have someone who doesn't complain! But for whatever reason we are glad they are so good to him.  I guess thats a lesson for us to all learn, when you are kind to others they are kind back.

I was told a scripture by a lady who is also fighting cancer with a loved one, it's found in Psalm 91 The heading says "The Lord shall deliver Him from terror, pestilence, and war-He shall give his angels charge over Him, and deliver Him, and honor Him." It is a great Psalm if you have time to read it.  It gives a lot of comfort!  I know that Ron has defiantly had angels around him, helping him in so many ways, both here on the earth through so many kind people, and on the other side! Thank you all for all the Love shown to us!

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