Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Test Results....

So as one journey ends, another one begins! And so what does this mean?  Well Ron's body is done with the IL2.  His body just won't react to the IL2 the way its suppose to.  His chest CT was good, no change or even slightly smaller.  His liver normal, spleen normal, pancreas normal.  So whats the bad news......

There was progression in the renal mass (kidney)  has grown about 20% in size from last scans. This means the IL2 is not working on his kidney the way it should.  Also the interval increase of the right adrenal gland lesion has progression on metastatic disease. as well as the left lymph node.  The tissue lesson in the right bone has also begun to change.  

So where do we go from here?  Sutent This is the drug that they use to treat advanced kidney cancer.  I will admit we have known about this drug from the beginning and we didn't ever want to be on it.  But now here we are and its the one thing that can possibly work for Ron and this disease!

We know that we have been so very blessed and that the Lord is always aware of us! We have to change our focus to a new way of thinking, but that will not change the faith that we have in our Heavenly Father and the fact that he only has our best interest at heart and will never leave us astray!
We Love the gospel of Jesus Christ and know that our Savior has felt all that we have felt that is such a comfort! We will continue to fight this battle and never give up!

We are now waiting for the Sutent to be approved through insurance, which will take a week or so and then he will begin the new drug.  Four weeks 1 a day and then two weeks off and then it starts all over again.  We will have to wait to see how he reacts to the drug and they will monitor his progress once a month and re-scan after 3 months.

It's been a very long day with lots of tears.  But we are not giving up!!! The prayers have been answered in so many ways! And we are so thankful for them all! Please don't stop! I will post more when I have more info.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts sent your family's direction. Words hardly do justice for the emotions felt when the news isn't what you were hoping for. I wish you, your family, and the medical team strength, wisdom, and love as you head into the next phase. Cancer is crazy and you never know what will work; so keep on beleiving and most important keep on fighting!
