Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Happy 4th of July

Many things have been happening at the Beckstrand house hold.  So I will attempt to give you a bit of an update on Ron, as well as some of the things that we have been doing.  Ron is about to begin his third week on the chemo drug Sutenet.  He has definitely had his share of side effects.  He tries very hard to push through them, and to keep on doing what he can.  But some days he just feels so wiped-out/sick/tired/yucky/ it's all he can do to get up.  Then he has some really good days and so we try to enjoy them, when they are here.  He will meet with his Doctor on the 15th of July to have his blood work done, they will be testing to make sure his counts are all good.  Then he will also have his infusion on that day so it will be a long day.  His infusion takes 4 hours, but we are so thankful he can have it, as well as the fact that it is only once a month!  Then he will have 2 weeks off from the chemo, before he starts a new session on it all over again.   They will wait for 3 months and then he will have more scans to see if the chemo is doing what they want it to do.  So we just keep on praying, fighting, and doing all we can to keep up our spirits and do all that the Lord wants us to do!! 

One of my favorite quotes, and I'm not even sure who said it, but it was in the May Ensign in 1997, and is goes like this..."Occasionally we reach the top of one summit in life, as the pioneers did, only to see more mountain peaks ahead, higher and more challenging than the one we have just traversed.  Tapping unseen reservoirs of faith and endurance, we, as did our forebears, inch ever forward toward that day when our voices can join with those of all pioneers who have endured in faith, singing, "All is well! All is well!"'

I feel like each time we think we are done with a challenge, just like the pioneers felt when they got to the top of one mountain and thought they would be done, only to see another even bigger mountain ahead of them.  They never gave up, they just kept on going until they reached Zion.  I know that is what Ron and I are doing! We will never give up even when the mountain seems higher than we can bear.  We will push forward until we too can say, "All is Well!" 

And so we have spent this last week enjoying the company of our most loved children.  And having lots of fun doing it!! 
Rocky on the other hand just sat around with his tongue out!! 
 Ron and I drove to Payson to have some fun with Lindsey and the kids.
 We had a wonderful time with Grace.  She came home with us and had a sleep-over with Pop and Grandma.  We made cookies and then she and grandma left Pop behind and went to see the new Monster movie.  Lots of Fun!!!!
 Grace Susan we love you!!!
 Emma, Grace and Maggie the Three most beautiful granddaughters in the world.  Ok I am a little one sided but you have to admit they are dang cute!!! Love these girls!!!
 Desert Star Playhouse is a really fun place to go! Our family loves this place we had a ball.  The only thing that would have made it better is if Logan and Lauren could have come with us! But getting them here from Arizona would have been a bit hard! We really had fun.  It was "The Lone Stranger" 
 Ron, Chase and Kaylee
 Diz and Ron 
Logan and Lauren are working very hard in Arizona! We are so proud of them.  And are counting down the days to the Wedding!!!
 They also have time to play! They are on their way to the pool! 
This is kinda hard to tell what it is but I had to put it in.  It's our drive way! When we got home from our 4th of July breakfast our drive way had been decorated by some amazing "anonymous" person or people with all kinds of word of Love and encouragement for Ron and I.  It was done really well and totally made mine and Ron's day! He had a really hard day on the 4th.  Just didn't feel well at all!!! It's amazing to me how people just seem to know when its been a hard day, and they can make it better! We are so very blessed by so many truly wonderful people!!
And so another week is upon us.  Who knows what it will bring, but what I do know is that no matter what it is we will face it with strength and courage, knowing that the Lord is always on our side. Keep up the prayers as always! And thank you as always.  We could never do it with out all the Love and support that is given to us!  We are so blessed!

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