Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sutent Begins Again!!! August 3, 2013

"Seeds of discouragement will not grow in the thankful heart."
I am so thankful for this wonderful weekend!!! We went to our favorite place in the whole world!!! The mountains.  Whitney Lake in the Uintahs.  What a most peaceful, beautiful place to spend some much needed time together.  It was wonderful!!!!  

Ron started his second round of chemo on Monday so, I was a bit nervous about going alone.  I made sure that we let our good friends know where we were going to be, they have been there with us many times, so I felt safe that if there was a problem I would be able to call and they would be able to help.  Thankfully we were ok! Ron did have a rough night the first night...Side Effects (SE) from the chemo have started a lot sooner this round than the last one.  But we knew what to do to fight back and that is what we did.  Ron was able to get some much needed good sleep in the fresh clean mountain air.  The next night was much better.  Fatigue is a big one this time along with the other usual SE that Ron doesn't like me to talk too much about, so I won't just enough to say they are there.  He is tough and is trying hard to push through them.  Here is some pictures of us in the mountains.  

Ron and Rocky ready to go!!! Rocky loves to be with us on the 4-wheelers.
Me and Rocky on the back of the wheeler going for a ride. 
Ron in front of our trailer very tired!!!
Me sitting in the sun with my favorite and knitting who could ask for anything more!!!
Ron trying to walk after riding his hip did not like sitting for too long! Made it very hard on him to walk. He has a tumor on his hip that continues to bother him darn thing!!! 
Rocky don't you love the sun rays he is a very special dog!! Haha we love him a lot can you tell?
Rocky loves to ride with us! 
Well we are now home and very tired!!! Ron goes in on Tuesday for his MRI (brain scan) I am praying very hard that the tumors are all smaller than before and doing what they want them to do, which is just continue to shrink and not be a factor in anything.  Ron still has head aches, but not like he use to, so I am hoping that is a good sign.

So he will continue to take his chemo and we will continue to pray!  We have set some goals and making it up to the mountains was one of them and it was great!  Logan and Lauren's wedding is only a few weeks away now and we are so excited about that! Thanks you as always for all the love and prayers that are being sent out way!!!

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