Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 6, 2013

So what did we find out??? That is the questions everyone is wanting to know the answer to.   More tumors in the brain three that they can see on this scan.  They are again very tiny, and not effecting any important functions of the brain.  So what that means is….He does not qualify for the trial:( As this is sad news it is NOT the end of the world, by any means, or the end of the road!!!! Ron is doing just fine on the treatment that he is currently on.  And so he will continue to be on it!  He will be going in for more radiation on the brain, we are still waiting for all that to be scheduled, but I'm assuming it will be sometime next week.  Then he will continue on the Axtinib, as he has already been doing.  It has not been nearly as difficult for him as the last drug Sutent was.  This has been a real blessing! He will have CT Scans in December which will then tell us about all the rest of his cancer in the rest of his body.  Until then we will continue to do what we have been doing.  Taking it one day at a time.  Being grateful for all that we have been given and have faith that the Lord is in charge.

The doctor that we met with did have something interesting for me anyway to say.  He said that looking at Ron's scans, that he has currently you would think that he would be very sick, right now.  He has a very aggressive form of cancer and it "should" be effecting him a lot more than it is.  Yes he has fatigue, and sometimes he will have a level of pain,  and is not able to do ALL the things that he was able to do a year ago.  However someone with the scans that he has shouldn't be able to function the way that he is.  BUT he is!!!! That is a blessing and a miracle to me!  He said that there are people who have so much less going on in their bodies than what Ron has and they don't function well at all.  But Ron is still able to have a pretty good quality of life!! Again What a blessing!!!! He also said that attitude has a big part to play in it as well.  And anyone who knows Ron will say he has the best attitude there is!!!

There is a talk by Richard G. Edgley entitled "Faith the Choice is Yours." This article really gave me so much to think about! I loved what he had to say about faith! I think it really says it all as to what Ron is always teaching me!! Ron has truly unwavering faith in the Lord and all that is happening to him.  Any time I have any doubts creep in my mind, I know I can go to Ron and he will help me through it! He has taught me so much.  This is just a small part of that talk.  You can find the whole talk on the LDS web page.  At the beginning of the talk he says this.

Choose faith over doubt, choose faith over fear, choose faith over the unknown and the unseen, and choose faith over pessimism.

Yes, faith is a choice, and it must be sought after and developed. Thus, we are responsible for our own faith. We are also responsible for our lack of faith. The choice is yours.
There is much that I do not know. I do not know the details of the organization of matter into the beautiful world we live in. I do not understand the intricacies of the Atonement, how the Savior’s sacrifice can cleanse all repentant people, or how the Savior could suffer “the pain of all men” (D&C 18:11). I do not know where the city of Zarahemla was, as referred to in the Book of Mormon. I do not know why my beliefs sometimes conflict with assumed scientific or secular knowledge. Perhaps these are matters our Father in Heaven described as the “mysteries … of heaven” (D&C 107:19) that will be revealed at a later date.
But while I don’t know everything, I know the important. I know the plain and simple gospel truths that lead to salvation and exaltation. I know that the Savior did suffer the pain of all men and that all repentant people can be cleansed from sin. And what I don’t know or don’t completely understand, with the powerful aid of my faith, I bridge the gap and move on, partaking of the promises and blessings of the gospel. And then, as Alma teaches, our faith brings us to a perfect knowledge (see Alma 32:34). By moving forward into the unknown, armed only with hope and desire, we show evidence of our faith and our devotion to the Lord.
And so, following Alma’s formula, let us choose. Let us choose faith.

And so we will continue to have faith in the process, and know that we are ALWAYS in The Lords hands.  We couldn't ask for anything more!!!

I just love this picture of Ron!!! So I thought I would put it in this post!! As always FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT


  1. Thinking about you always! In our prayers always! Our boys know that even if they are in the mood to make our family prayer short, they ALWAYS bless the bishop....and some nights, he is the only person that gets blessed :)

  2. I know that you don't know me but we know Lindsey's family. They are in our ward and live just around the corner. I am so impressed with your blog and the faith that you have during this trial. Your family is in our prayers even though we don't know you. Thanks for raising such an amazing daughter who loves others unconditionally. I know that she leaned it from her amazing parents. Thank you for sharing your testimony with others and for being an example to everyone...even those you don't know.
