- His blood level is up again which means more phlebotomy, (which Ron hates) that will be done on Thursday same day as his long bone infusion day.
- He didn't have any new tumors in his brain, that the doctor could see just looking at the scan, we are still waiting for the final report. You would think thats good news and it is BUT he had another brain hemorrhage in the original tumor in his brain. So we wait for 2 more months and do another MRI.
- He has been having extreme leg pain! We have not been able to get it under control. X-ray and Ultra Sound were done today and yep he has a blood clot it starts in the back of his knee and goes down to below his calf.
- I now get to give Ron 2 shots a day for the next week and then they are going to start him on a blood thiner med.
- He is more than half done with his current radiation. That is going well. Just really makes him tired.
We are now home and thanks to my WONDERFUL sister we came home to roast and mashed potatoes and home made cinnamon rolls! So the day ended up ok.
Ron is feeling ok they gave him some IV meds before they took out the IV to help with the pain. So he is enjoying his diner too and then I'm sure he will fall asleep!
I will update more when we have talked to the doctor and I know more. Again I'm sorry to be such a downer but man. And thats just the results we got sent ALL over the huntsman hospital today when they finally found the clot they put Ron in a wheelchair which was actually better because he can't walk very fast these days. Anyway as Annie says "The sun will come out….tomorrow" So I'm counting on tomorrow being a better day! But the fight continues.
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