Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014

Let's just say the end of January couldn't come sooner!!! Ron finished his radiation and was so happy to be done! We had his INR tested, which is the level that his blood needs to be to keep him from getting anymore blood clots, and it was right in the range the doctor wanted it to be at so I don't have to give him anymore shots:) He said that I was sad that I didn't get to give him any more, but truthfully I was really glad too! I'm not a fan of giving shots to him he has enough things to cause him pain he doesn't need anything else to add to it!! So we have now a 3 week break from going up to the Huntsman Center Oh HAPPY DAY!!!!

As we were leaving to go to our final radiation appointment we get a call from our daughter Lindsey.  Maggie her youngest is being admitted to the hospital in Provo.  They think she has pneumonia, needless to say she is one sick little girl.  
So after a long night they have found that she does have crackle in her lungs but it is not pneumonia, however the virus panel they did on her came back, she tested positive for three viruses, RSV, Adenovirus, and rhinovirus, (common cold) the doctor said the combination of the first two would wipe anyone out.  Her lungs haven't gotten worse.  The doctors want to monitor her breathing for a good part of the day and stop her iv fluids and get her to drink on her own.  We are hopping by the end of the day she will be able to go home to her own house.  

I guess the blessing in this is…. Ron is done for three weeks and doesn't have to go to any appointments but his quick INR test which is whenever he want to go to the centerville clinic which is close by our house.  So that gives me time to take care of my daughter and her sweet family.  Many prayers have already gone out on Maggie's behalf but we welcome all that are given.  

As always the fight continues.  FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 

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