Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15, 2013

So today was the first day of the series of test that Ron has to go through before he begins his next round of treatments.  2A and 2B, and when he is done with that he will be half way through, hard to believe.  So he has more test tomorrow and will then meet with the doctor on Thursday and hear all the results.  We feel very confident, Ron has felt really good these past few weeks with the exception of a cold (that everyone has had) so we are anxiously optimistic about the results.

On one other note, and this is just for Ron!!! (He made me do it!)

Yes this is me.... haha I had to have a colonoscopy, I did all the normal "check up" stuff because I need to be done so I can take care of Ron.  So while he was on his break from doctor visits I had most of mine.  Because my dad passed away from colon cancer I need to be checked more often and I was due so of course Ron had to take this picture since I'm always taking them of him.  No worries though Ron said it all worked out in the end.  haha Ron had some really good jokes that day but thats the only one I'm going to tell.

So I'm all taken care of and just a note if you haven't had a chance to have a colonoscopy you really should! Just saying!!  Ron had fun taking care of me for a change, he's really such a great man! But you all already know that:)

So I will try to keep the blog updated on the goings on for the week.  As always keep up the prayers we appreciate them so very much, feel them and know they are working!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Beckstrand Family!

    We are a young couple in the 5th ward and were able to participate in the stake fast for your husband and father. I happened onto this blog and couldn't help but read the entire thing. I am so touched by the faith your family has in our Savior. Because of your example, we have an added measure of love and kindness in our home. Our thoughts and prayers are constantly with your family.

    From, The Sill Family
