Well the holidays are over:( So on to the new year. We have had a great break from all the "cancer stuff" Ron is really back to normal, he's recovered from his kidney surgery and his last IL2 treatments. He's been working, doing his church responsibilities, and taking me out on dates! He even went on his first business trip since all this "stuff" has begun. I was very worried just because we have been together for so long it was hard to watch him go off alone. haha I know I'm such a baby! But he had a great trip and he said it felt so good to be able to be seen by his business associates. He is doing so well its hard to think that he still has cancer in his lungs. So whats next....
Next week Jan. 15-17 he will be undergoing tests, CT scan, brain scan, labs etc. Then he will meet with the doctor and get the results which we are feeling very confident about just from observing how good Ron feels. He is currently scheduled to go back to the Huntsman Hospital on the 21st to begin IL2 dose #2 A and B. We will be ready for it this time. Ron has decided to be the best cub scout cheerer ever they have a cheer they call the bacon. You lay on the floor and sizzle or shake like a bacon strip in a pan. So Ron is planing on sizzling like bacon, I don't think he will get on the floor though, he can sizzle just fine in his hospital bed.
So next week I will be updating a lot more with hopefully good news. As always, we welcome all the prayers that you can send our way. We truly believe in the power of prayer.
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