Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22, 2013

October 22, 2013 at 3:30 am Ron's dad passed away.  It has been a very sad two days for our family.  Joe (Ron's dad) was doing what he loved most spending time in West Meadow deer hunting with one of his boys.  An accident happened and Joe was thrown from the ATV suffering life threatening injuries.  He was life flighted to Utah Valley Hospital where he was treated most of the day Monday and into the early morning hours of Tuesday.  He was taken off life support and went home to his loving wife after he was given much love from many of his children and grandchildren who were by his side.  He is an amazing man who we will miss on this earth life, but look forward with much anticipation in greeting him in the world to come.  

This is Ron, Logan, Mark Joe, and Keaton at the last deer hunt in the Uintah mountains. 
Joe was so happy that he could make it to Logan and Lauren's wedding. It was a fun day to have him with us. And it meant so much to Logan. 
Logan always called Joe one of his Hero's!!!
Joe with three of his Great grand-daughters 
Chase and Kaylee too were so glad that he made it to their wedding. It was just over a year ago June of 2012.  
Ron is doing "OK" it has been a tough thing for him but he too is an amazing man!!! We have such wonderful children who are always by our side.  Logan and Lauren are planing on flying in to be with us and all the family will be together. We are so blessed.

We know that the atonement of our Savior is real, and that we will be able to see our beloved Father again! Families are forever and we know that we are sealed for eternity.  Joe is in a better place and we will be able to join him when our time comes.

I don't have all the details yet of the funeral services but when they are made I will post another update. As always prayers are so appreciated and I would say needed! They are one of the things that helps us get through all the hard times! We know that the Lord will continue to be by our side.

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