Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Sunday, October 20, 2013

October 20th 2013 Happy Day to Emma Rae/updates on Ron...

Today is our first granddaughters 7th birthday!! We Love her so much and had a wonderful time going to play with her yesterday.  
First stop....PUPPIES!!! and they were soooooo cute!!!
Maggie loved them!!!

Grace and Emma these puppies were adorable!!! And of course so are the girls!!!

Next we went to do some ceramics Ron was very intent on his!

Off to dinner....

We had a wonderful day!!! Love spending time with these 3 girlie girls!! What fun!!
 Me, Lindsey, and Ron we are so blessed!! 
Happy Birthday "Miss Rae" we love you so much!!!

So as far as Ronald goes well........ He has been on his new drug for 30 days now.  And what has happened? Not much unfortunately.  He had the radiation and it seems to have helped in his pain when he walks, but has not completely taken all the pain away.  He has also had more pain increase in other parts of his body.  Mostly in his right side and we suspect it is his only kidney, and his side have been giving him a significant amount of pain.  Ron is not one to take any kind of extra pain meds so I know it is bad when he does, and this week he has taken more than usual.  

We have some paperwork that we need to take to the doctor on Monday, and we will be asking him about this problem with his pain when we go in there tomorrow.  Ron does not have an appointment to meet with the doctor until after his MRI scan in November so I plan on asking the nurse any questions that I have when we see her.  The problem is we know that the drugs he has taken so far have not worked and we fear that the one he is on now is falling in that same "Not working" category! But we will not give up! We are continuing to pray that there will be no new brain tumors so that Ron will be able to start this new trial drug! ASAP!!!

We continue to have faith that all that we are going through is in The Lords hands.  And we will follow him always! Elder Jeffery R. Holland who is an amazing apostle said this, "In times of extreme difficulty, the only strength upon which we can fully rely is Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.  Indeed, any tribulation will be considered well worth it if it humbles us, increases our faith, and brings us closer to Him who bought us with his own pain and blood. In the depths of despair we may find ourselves coming to know him in a completely new way, finding that he goes before us on our right hand and on our left, that his spirit is in our hearts, and that his angels are round about us to bear us up." 

We have felt many angels around us, many times throughout this journey.  We have been so very blessed! We are so thankful for the many blessings that the Lord continues to give us.  We will continue to fight as long as Ron has any fight left in him!!! 


1 comment:

  1. Lori this post is beautifully said. I love the sweet messages Elder Holland gives through the spirit. I have a firm testimony of what you posted. Our thoughts, prayers and love are with your family .
