Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 19th 2013 updates…...

Well as usual it's always a mixed bag of good and bad.  I will start with the good first.  I could copy the report and all the big words that are in it, but, as we were sitting in the doctors office today I asked him to read it to me, he laughed and said, "it means his lungs have improved a lot!!" His liver is also "stable" which is a really good thing.

Now to the not so good.  Here is the big words, the soft tissue mass in the right axilla has enlarged.  Which means his lymph node on the right side has grown, from 2.5 x 3.3 to 3.4 x 4.6 cm this is not a good thing.  There is a new growth on his right hip, as well as the adrenal on the kidney has grown.  So what to do??? More Radiation!!! We will be meeting with the radiation doctor to discuss having radiation on the three places that have grown.  All the radiation that Ron has done thus far has worked! So we have no reason to feel that it won't work again.  It will be more meetings with more doctors more appointments and more, more, more.  But it also means that we can and will continue to fight! Our doctor was very optimistic as to what has happened to Ron.  Of course he would like to give him all good news but feels that the IL2 did some good and we will continue to fight the rest in the best ways possible as we go forward.

We have a wonderful family friend who sent us a beautiful Christmas message that I feel is exactly the way Ron and I feel about this journey that we have been on for this past year.  I hope they will not mind me sharing part of their message with you, It is from Elder John Groberg and he said this, "Enos was strong physically.  the "healing" he received was the most important of all a "wholeness" of the spirit.  That is our quest also.  In this life some are healed physically and some are not.  The Lord knows what is best for our spiritual healing.  Everyone, including those "healed" here, eventually dies. God has promised that in the resurrection our bodies will be made "whole" by being "restored to their proper and perfect frame." (Alma 40:23)  However, the "wholeness" of our spirits that part of us that thinks acts, over and forgives depends upon the faith we have developed in Jesus.  As we celebrate His birth at Christmas time, we hope that all of us will continue to develop ever stronger faith in Him."

We have so much to be thankful for this holiday season.  We could not ask for more! We love the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It brings such peace and comfort to us in our trials of life.  We know that all things are possible through our Savior Jesus Christ and all is according to his will.  We will continue to fight, as long as we can.  Knowing that we have the greatest blessings given to us, our love for each other, our dear children, their wonderful companions and 3 precious granddaughters our lives are full of gratitude for all we have been given.


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