Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014

Let's just say the end of January couldn't come sooner!!! Ron finished his radiation and was so happy to be done! We had his INR tested, which is the level that his blood needs to be to keep him from getting anymore blood clots, and it was right in the range the doctor wanted it to be at so I don't have to give him anymore shots:) He said that I was sad that I didn't get to give him any more, but truthfully I was really glad too! I'm not a fan of giving shots to him he has enough things to cause him pain he doesn't need anything else to add to it!! So we have now a 3 week break from going up to the Huntsman Center Oh HAPPY DAY!!!!

As we were leaving to go to our final radiation appointment we get a call from our daughter Lindsey.  Maggie her youngest is being admitted to the hospital in Provo.  They think she has pneumonia, needless to say she is one sick little girl.  
So after a long night they have found that she does have crackle in her lungs but it is not pneumonia, however the virus panel they did on her came back, she tested positive for three viruses, RSV, Adenovirus, and rhinovirus, (common cold) the doctor said the combination of the first two would wipe anyone out.  Her lungs haven't gotten worse.  The doctors want to monitor her breathing for a good part of the day and stop her iv fluids and get her to drink on her own.  We are hopping by the end of the day she will be able to go home to her own house.  

I guess the blessing in this is…. Ron is done for three weeks and doesn't have to go to any appointments but his quick INR test which is whenever he want to go to the centerville clinic which is close by our house.  So that gives me time to take care of my daughter and her sweet family.  Many prayers have already gone out on Maggie's behalf but we welcome all that are given.  

As always the fight continues.  FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 23, 2014 What a difference a day makes:)

We made it to Thursday!!! Not Friday but close.  Ok I had my day of complaint now back to getting on with the fight!  But I must say what a difference a day makes.  My heart is full of gratitude for all the Love that has been shown to us these past few days. Everyone has been so kind.

We got all of the questions answered and spent time with many doctors figuring it all out.  For the most part it's time.  Time to wait until the next brain scan, to see if what they see as growth, is in fact growth or more bleeding.  Time to get the blood colt healed.  Time for the pain to subside from the blood clot, time to wait until the next CT scan to see where the cancer is at now.  And then to determine the best next steps.  So for now our last apointment is tomorrow with another doctor to talk about what can be done to better control the pain.  Then we will finish up with radiation and have we hope almost 3 whole weeks of not having to come to the huntsman.  We will enjoy that!!! Then we will have more scans in February.

We are right now sitting in the infusion room.  Ron just had 500ml of blood taken, and will now have 500ml of fluid put back in.  Then the pamidronate (infusion for his bones) then 1000ml of more fluids then we will get to go home.  This will take about 5 hours when all is said and done.  But they put the IV in with 1 stick and the blood draw was also done with 1 stick!  Oh happy day! And my other WONDERFUL sister is brining us dinner tonight.  I just have to say they are such good cooks and it sure makes it so nice to come home to dinner done after a day like today! We have amazing family support!

Ron already had his radiation for the day #11, only 4 more to go!!! And we met with the  Clinical Pharmacist to go over the meds for his warfarin/Enoxaparin to get his INR in the correct range.  So that I can stop giving him the shots.  We are so lucky that there is a U of U Clinic in centerville so he can get his blood checked there 2 or 3 times a week and we don't have to drive all the way up to the huntsman.  What a blessings!

We were able to go to dinner last night with some wonderful friends from the Schreiber Family, as well as some friends from the Sysco team and we had a great time.  Ron was able to visit and enjoy some time with some great people.  Thanks so much to you all from the bottom of my heart!!!

So for now that's all folks!!! We continue to thank so many people for so many wonderful thoughts cards, and love sent our way.  We know that the Lord is watching over all that goes on, and we have to put our trust in him.  And that is what will continue to do!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21, 2014 What next!!!

Well everyone says you are entitled to have a bad day.  So I'm taking my day!!! Today was awful! If it could go wrong it did.  I'm sorry to be such a downer but I wish Ron could catch a break sometime!!! I don't have all the details we will meet with his "main" Doctor tomorrow.  But here is what we did today and what I do know.

  • His blood level is up again which means more phlebotomy, (which Ron hates) that will be done on Thursday same day as his long bone infusion day. 
  • He didn't have any new tumors in his brain, that the doctor could see just looking at the scan, we are still waiting for the final report.  You would think thats good news and it is BUT he had another brain hemorrhage in the original tumor in his brain.  So we wait for 2 more months and do another MRI.
  • He has been having extreme leg pain!  We have not been able to get it under control.  X-ray and Ultra Sound were done today and yep he has a blood clot it starts in the back of his knee and goes down to below his calf.  
  • I now get to give Ron 2 shots a day for the next week and then they are going to start him on a blood thiner med.  
  • He is more than half done with his current radiation.  That is going well.  Just really makes him tired. 
We are now home and thanks to my WONDERFUL sister we came home to roast and mashed potatoes and home made cinnamon rolls! So the day ended up ok.  

Ron is feeling ok they gave him some IV meds before they took out the IV to help with the pain.  So he is enjoying his diner too and then I'm sure he will fall asleep! 

I will update more when we have talked to the doctor and I know more.  Again I'm sorry to be such a downer but man.  And thats just the results we got sent ALL over the huntsman hospital today when they finally found the clot they put Ron in a wheelchair which was actually better because he can't walk very fast these days.  Anyway as Annie says "The sun will come out….tomorrow"  So I'm counting on tomorrow being a better day!  But the fight continues. 


Friday, January 10, 2014

January 10, 2014

I just got a great phone call from a dear friend, asking me about Ron.  She said she read the blog and had not  seen an update and wondered how he was doing.  OOOPS Sorry about that!!

Ron is doing really well!!!!! The blood draw went much better on the next day try.  And it seems to have really taken an affect for the better.  He has much more energy than he has had in a while.

The radiation is on its 3rd day and that too is going well.  It has been good for Ron to be able to go and talk to other people who are also going through their own trials with cancer.  Everyone is so different but they are all fighting this difficult battle.  And they all want to win!!!  Ron will be doing radiation for the next 3 weeks.  He has his MRI at the end of the month, and we will have our fingers crossed that there are NO new tumors.  He still could qualify for a trial drug if he can just go 3 months without any new tumors.  We will just keep on praying and hope that it happens.  But as always we will deal with whatever comes our way!

President Gordon B. Hinckley said, "Father, with something of divinity in your very makeup.  The Lord did not send you here to fail.  He did not give you life to waste. it.  He bestowed upon you the gift of morality that you might gain experience--positive, wonderful, purposeful experience--that will lead to life eternal."

I think that Ron is having some of the most wonderful and amazing experiences possible.  Who would have thought that could be the case from cancer.  He has taught me more about life than I could ever write in this blog.  But I am so thankful to be able to go through this journey with him.  I love him so much!!  

"You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do.  There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind." Darwin P. Kingsley