Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What a difference a day makes!!!

My good Husband is doing great!!! :)

Wow Ron is doing really well! Happy and back to work in his chair in his office.  He was not happy with the last picture I posted he thought he didn't look good at all.  I said well you didn't! You were in the last of your treatments haha.  But he is feeling much better now and as you can see from the smile on his face he's recovering just as he should! And is also starting to lose the water weight as well.

Now if this snow would stop we could go for a walk outside! But it doesn't look like that is going to happen anytime soon so its back to the treadmill he goes.

Our good neighbors brought us dinner the other night and this is what their son did with the apples they brought us! How cool is that! We have been so blessed with such love and kindness!

This has been one of the worst years for snow I can remember and Ron has not had to go out and shovel our snow once! Thanks to so many kind people!!! We really are being blessed! Ron will be ready to hit it hard again next week!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Home again!

We made it home:) So happy! It was a long hard week and Ron feels like he is the coyote in the Road Runner carton who keeps getting hit by trucks, weights, falling off cliffs, etc.  And he looks like it too! He is really swollen and sore but time is a friend and will help him to recover and get ready for next week.  Rocky is home too and not leaving Ron's side.  So cute!

So once again thank you so much for all the love and concern that has been sent Ron's way! It means so much to us both! I will take care of my sweet husband and get him ready for next week! He is tough and taking it all in stride! Love to you all!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 5 2A...

So last night he got his dose #6 at 8:37 p.m. He had some riggers but they were not as bad as he has had.  It was a long night of beeping and pumping him full of lots of things his body was in need of.

Today is Saturday and we hope that he will be able to go home this afternoon! He has gained 10% of his body weight and feels like he's been run over by a truck! Wow this stuff gets worse as the doses go on! We have been very blessed by so many people and are so appreciative of it all! Please don't stop praying for me dear husband! We know it works and feel the help so much! Hopefully home for the week then....back for 2B another week of this week but then he will be half way done with his treatment and it's our prayer that its working! I'll let you know when we are home!!!

Yep he's had enough!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Day 4 of 2A

So Dose #5 was given this morning bright and early! 8:30 am and right on schedule 2 afters after his dose was finished the riggers began.  Our good friend Pres. Martin came by and was here to help as Ron did his shaking.  Its hard to watch, but means so much to me that he has so many people who love and are supporting Ron. It lasted almost 45 min! Another good sign.  Now he has a fever of 102 so we are working to get that down.  All part of the IL2.

I have been able to go around and meet some of the other IL2 patients, this week and they are some amazing people! Its really nice to be able to hear other people going through the same thing and the courage that they have! This is a fight but one that we can win!

As Ron was riggering today he thought he heard something and said, "is that my little buddy?" I asked him who he was referring to and he said, "Rocky" (who is our dog).  Ron loves that cute little guy. He actually lets him sleep on his pillow with him at home. So cute! I'm so thankful that we have such good friends who are so kind and have taken Rocky into their home to care for him while we are gone! (Jennifer!) It really takes a load off our minds.

Well we are moving forward! I don't know if he will get another dose today or not.  It all depends on a lot of factors, his weight, kidney function, and lots more, so we shall have to see.  Either way I'm very positive about so far.  He has gotten in 5 doses and that is great! if he gets one more we will take it.  But  we have been told many times its not about the number its about the reaction and Ron has not let us down on that yet!  More later.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

End of day 3, week 2A

This is just one of the walls in Ron's room.  The little picture is hard to see, its a group of people from the "Schreiber Family" on the back of the their shirts it says "Go Big Daddy" that for the people who are not in the loop is what the good people at Schreiber have nick named Ron.  They are such good people it's been such a blessing to be a part of this great company.

So 10:10 a.m. Ron got his 4th dose, and right on schedule he began to rigger around noon.  It was a "good one," and took a bit of effort to help stop the shakes but he did and was able to have a nap and rest for a while.

Good friends Jeanette and Jennifer came to visit with food for Lori (yum) and Jeanette and her magic fingers gave Ron a much needed foot massage, Ron was so grateful, it felt wonderful to him and really helped him to relax! And I felt a bit spoiled myself.  Not to mention my dear sister who took a half day off from her job to come spend the day with me, Thanks Sheri I really appreciated it!

We have been so blessed with so much love and support from so many people we can't thank everyone enough!!!

So Ron is showered, took a good walk and the chances are good that he will be dosed again late tonight.  It may be a long one, but that is what we are here for! We have to get rid of that cancer and this is the best way to do it with the kind of cancer that Ron has.  So we will shake, rattle and roll as Ron says.  He is my Hero in every sense of the word!! Never a complaint or angry word, just positive thoughts and always smiles!

Here is Ron as you can see from his medicine tree in the back ground he is getting lots of stuff! Starting to getting swollen but isn't he cute! I'm so blessed to have such a positive man he makes everything so much easier! Day 3 is almost over half way through the week! So as Lindsey would say Fight, Fight, Fight!

And just a side note, Kaylee, Chase's wife has been our comic relief for the week so heres one of her jokes.

Why was the tomato blushing?  Because he saw the salad dressing  hahahah Have a great night everyone!

Day 3 of 2A...

Like I said earlier we love our kids.  Our cute Lindsey came and spent some much needed time with her dad and her mom enjoyed having her here too! Wow yesterday was a long day for Ronald.  He had the worse reaction I have ever seen.  But thats all good right? That is what we are counting on!

We had lots of visitors, too bad Ron wasn't really in a frame of mind to visit, but he knows he is loved by so many! Because of the reaction he and his body were spent.  I can't believe how it really just wiped him out!  And because of this they decided not to dose him again last night and give him a chance to reprieve.  Much needed! So he was given a sleeping aid that helped a bit being in the hospital even with sleep aid is hard to really sleep, but I think he was able to get a bit:)

So it is now shift change here at the hospital we have been blessed to have our "favorite" nurses so far! And just found out that we get Jake today another great nurse, young man who is so good to Ron that really makes it so much easier on him!

We are planing on him being dosed again most likely early this morning, so Ron is getting ready to dance again! Thanks once more for the prayers and please don't stop we need them all!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

day 2 continued ...

Dose was given at 11:50 and about 2 hours later he riggered more than I've ever seen him before! It lasted almost an hour.  Now its 5:00 p.m. and he has been battling a fever again.  But it is starting to go down.  So if he will get another dose we will have to wait and see.  Sorry not a lot of info. but little is better than none right?

Day 2 of 2A... Long Night!!!

9:00 p.m. last night (its now morning) Ron started to get a fever.  They were planing on giving him his second dose around 11 but can not dose when he is fevering, it was 101 not too high but high enough to have to wait on the dose.

So ice, cold rags and tynole, began to try to get his fever down.  

12:40 finally down enough to get the second dose.

2:15 am Riggers
Medicine, lots of it...

3:00 am still Riggers more medicine....

4:00 am fever....   More ice, cold rags etc.

5:15 am fever finally gone...

5:30 am labs and weighting ... up 7lbs in yes 1 day!!!

Good morning its now 6:30 am and its a new day but we are not sure when it started. haha

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Here we are up and running! First done in a small amount of riggers.  He was given morphine before he was dosed and then 2 more after which seemed to really help.  This pic was taken just before the riggers, Ron really loves his boys and we both appreciate all our children are doing for us! We really have great kids.

He already went on a walk and did 3 laps! I hope he can keep this up!

Looking forward to dose 2 tonight around 11pm or so.  I know I say this a lot but wow we are so blessed! Thanks so much for all the support! The tex messages, phone calls etc it is so helpful and so appreciated!  We love you all and hope to be able to return the kindness to you all someday! I will try to stay updated!

P.S. Chad is our nurse tonight yeh!!! We really like him, although all the staff up here is wonderful! What a great place to be treated!!!

day 1 of 2 A Jan 22, 2013

Here we go again! We made it here.  Ron is all hooked up and ready to go for his first dose.  We met with the Radiation Oncology dept. this morning It looks like as soon as we get all the insurance stuff figured out he will have that treatment done on his brain and the small spot on his hip bone.  The three doctors that we met with were very optimistic and said that it was yet again amazing that the spots were even found.  haha that is the story of Ron's journey we just keep finding the small spots and are going to get rid of all this before it has a chance to get big! Blessing are all around us! I will keep you posted on the day just thought I would put that up because again we are being watched over! Thanks for all the love and concern. I will write more later!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

more up dates.... 1/19/13

Well I am not the best at writing up dates and am not too good with words either, but I have lots of good support around me.  Our son Chase helped me post the last update and I know it was a little vague, but we were all still working on our own thoughts about the results that the doctor had given us.  So we really appreciated Chase stepping in and doing that for us.

Having that said Ron sent a more involved up date to his team at Schreiber and when he read it to me I asked him if I could just post it on the blog, as it was said so well done and gives all the goings on so here it is.

I have not followed up with you from this weeks testing and the results.  Lori and I did not have much time on Thursday following our meeting with my doctor.  We had walked in our house and the phone rang asking us to immediately come back to the hospital to receive an infusion.  Lori and I drove back to the hospital and waited for a bed in the infusion center to open up so I could get the infusion.  It was a long and emotionally difficult day for us.  The infusion is meant to penetrate my bones and shield them from attacking cancer cells.  I will have this infusion every 12 weeks for the rest of my life.  While it is a protection I got really sick from it Thursday evening through late Friday night.  Side efforts are aching bones, nausea, headaches, etc…Yes, I experience each of them and riggered several times on Friday.

As you read on the blog we had good news and bad news.  The good news is that the IL-2 worked with my lungs and chest…Yeah!  The bad news is that the cancer spread, which is common as the cancer cells try to hide in safe zones where the IL-2 can’t touch them.  These safe zones are the bones and the brain.  Unfortunately, both safe zones indicate I have extremely small spots.  They found (3) very small spots in the brain and (1) small spot on the left hip bone.  They also found a very small legion on my right kidney.  I know what you are all thinking at this moment and yes, Lori and I thought exactly the same thing when we heard the results.  What we know is the IL-2 worked so that is the reason I am going for session 2 next week.  You also noticed that I will have radiation treatment between the 2a and 2b sessions on the spots in the brain and on the hip.  Since they are so small they are going to do them in a day at the Huntsman. 

Lori and I were hoping for much better news to tell you on Thursday.  We have not given up hope that a miracle will happen in our journey with this cancer.  While cancer can take tissue and bone it cannot take our spirit and fight away.  It cannot take away the love that we have for one another, our children, our grandchildren, nor can it take away the love of great people like each of you.  I have great trust in our Saviors Atonement and His loving care and comfort.  We have felt that peace and comfort that only He can bring during these difficult times.  I love a scripture, “I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things”.  I don’t know the reason why I am on this journey, but I do know that our Heavenly Father loves his children and he will never give us challenges that we can’t handle.  I have learned a great deal from this experience.  My prayers have found deeper meaning, peace and kindness have filled our home, our love for family has deepened, and our eternal perspective has been more fully opened to our view. 

Each of you know me well and know that I will continue to fight, fight, fight!  I do not know any other way.  Each of you are part of the family we have built over the years.  I am so grateful for your love, support, caring spirit.  Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement.  Keep them coming.

I love Ron so very much and am so grateful for his approach he makes it so much easier for me! I too am so thankful for all the love and prayers that have gone out on my dear husbands behalf! We truly feel them and know that the Lord is on our side. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Well I wish I could say good things, but dang!!! This cancer is so hard and it seems like we get one good thing and 5 others that are bad! So heres the good....the IL2 has worked on the lungs and almost completely  taken the spots on his lungs away! They are still there but barley. The test results show some other areas of concern which would be considered the bad news.

Ron will continue his IL2 treatment as planned on the 21st.  During his off week he will undergo radiation to target other areas.  So where we do we go from here?  The answer is simple, we continue to fight, stay positive and remain faithful.  We refuse to let any bad news become any sort of set back in our continued fight to beat this cancer.

So we will not give up!!! We will keep on fighting! We have so many people praying for Ron and we have felt your prayers! We are so thankful for them all!

President Thomas S. Monson said this, 
"So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference. To do the best we can and then to choose to be happy about our circumstances, whatever they may be, can bring peace and contentment." 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15, 2013

So today was the first day of the series of test that Ron has to go through before he begins his next round of treatments.  2A and 2B, and when he is done with that he will be half way through, hard to believe.  So he has more test tomorrow and will then meet with the doctor on Thursday and hear all the results.  We feel very confident, Ron has felt really good these past few weeks with the exception of a cold (that everyone has had) so we are anxiously optimistic about the results.

On one other note, and this is just for Ron!!! (He made me do it!)

Yes this is me.... haha I had to have a colonoscopy, I did all the normal "check up" stuff because I need to be done so I can take care of Ron.  So while he was on his break from doctor visits I had most of mine.  Because my dad passed away from colon cancer I need to be checked more often and I was due so of course Ron had to take this picture since I'm always taking them of him.  No worries though Ron said it all worked out in the end.  haha Ron had some really good jokes that day but thats the only one I'm going to tell.

So I'm all taken care of and just a note if you haven't had a chance to have a colonoscopy you really should! Just saying!!  Ron had fun taking care of me for a change, he's really such a great man! But you all already know that:)

So I will try to keep the blog updated on the goings on for the week.  As always keep up the prayers we appreciate them so very much, feel them and know they are working!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The latest goings on....

Well the holidays are over:( So on to the new year.  We have had a great break from all the "cancer stuff" Ron is really back to normal, he's recovered from his kidney surgery and his last IL2 treatments.  He's been working, doing his church responsibilities, and taking me out on dates! He even went on his first business trip since all this "stuff" has begun.  I was very worried just because we have been together for so long it was hard to watch him go off alone.  haha I know I'm such a baby! But he had a great trip and he said it felt so good to be able to be seen by his business associates.  He is doing so well its hard to think that he still has cancer in his lungs.  So whats next....

Next week Jan. 15-17 he will be undergoing tests,  CT scan, brain scan, labs etc.  Then he will meet with the doctor and get the results which we are feeling very confident about just from observing how good Ron feels.   He is currently scheduled to go back to the Huntsman Hospital on the 21st to begin IL2 dose #2 A and B.  We will be ready for it this time. Ron has decided to be the best cub scout cheerer ever they have a cheer they call the bacon.  You lay on the floor and sizzle or shake like a bacon strip in a pan.  So Ron is planing on sizzling like bacon, I don't think he will get on the floor though, he can sizzle just fine in his hospital bed.

So next week I will be updating a lot more with hopefully good news.  As always, we welcome all the prayers that you can send our way.  We truly believe in the power of prayer.