Follow along with us as we battle this monster called Cancer..... this blog is meant for updates, prayers and faith! Only positive things will be discussed as Bishop Beckstrand goes through treatment for the next year or so.........

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013

Happy Halloween!!!!
Emma at her school parade! Yep thats my "beautiful grand-daughter!!!
Grace is "Ariel" The Mermaid
The scary faces!!!
Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013 Update...

The funeral for "Joe" Ron's Dad was an amazing tribute to an amazing man! Ron had some rough days, but he too is amazing to me.  He has been experiencing some significant amount of pain lately, but he just kept on "pushing" through it all and did what needed to be done to honor his dad.  And I must say he did a fantastic job.  Ron spoke at the funeral representing his siblings, and it was done so well, I know his Dad would have been so proud! 

This is Ron at the start of the Viewing on Friday evening.  It was a long night for Ron but like I said he just kept on going.  It was attended by many and was a great show of how loved Joe was. 
Chase and Kaylee  
Logan and Lauren
Lindsey and Ron
The guest book was filled!!!
We were so happy that Logan and Lauren were able to come join us from Arizona! The grand-kids were also very excited to see them and they made that very clear! Lauren has become part of the family very fast! She fits right in and we are so glad that she was able to be there for our Logan! 
Chase, Kaylee, Lindsey & Maggie

The girlies always make things better!!! 
Ron had all kinds of Love and support. Saying goodbye to his dad was a very hard thing to do! 
Joe's 9 grandsons were the Pallbearers it was a true honor to carrier their grandpa.  

Because Joe was a WWII Vet, he was given the full military honors.  It was a really neat thing to be a part of.  He was a prisoner of war, captured in "The Battle of the Bulge" and received the purple heart for being wounded in battle.  He went through a lot in his life time. 
Ron and his siblings:  Craig, Neil, Janice, Sandra, Mark & Ron
These are the four brothers to Joe -- Linford, Mervin, Gordon, Harold.  These are four of the most wonderful men I know.  What wonderful examples for all the grand-kids to follow! We love them very much, and so thankful for them and all they do. 
Emma and Grace paying tribute to great-grandpa
Lindsey & Preston and their family
The Ron & Lori Beckstrand family 
We Love our family so much and are so thankful for all the love and support that our children and their spouses, have shown Ron and I.  We are so very BLESSED!!!
When the funeral was over we had a very nice lunch put on by the Relief Society of Joe's ward.  It was so yummy and so nice to be able to sit and visit with many family members.  One of Ron's cousin Don Beckstrand has always been very close to Ron and has been there for Ron through it all! 
It is now Monday evening of October 28th.  We spent part of the day today at the Huntsman seeing doctors about Ron's pain.  We were told there was a possibility that they could do some radiation on him to help stop or slow down some of the pain.  But the answer was no.  Sadly the location of the pain is not in a place that the radiation would be effective.  So we will continue to "try" to keep it under control with pain meds, and hope, that the pain will not get out of hand like it did last week. 

So this is the beginning of the week.  We have one more to go before Ron's MRI.  We will continue to pray that when he goes in for that MRI that the results are CLEAR!!!! If he can make it through 3 months without any tumors in his brain, he will be able to qualify for this new trial drug that has had a lot of promise! So we will have a fun week with lots of prayers!!! Halloween is Thursday and we are planning on having lots of candy for all the cute kids who come "Trick-or Treating." Should be a fun night! If Ron feels up to it we may have to drive to Payson to see some cute spooks of our own!!! Our cute girlies we may need a grand-daughter fix! They always make us smile!!! 

I have a book that I have come to love by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, I think I love all the books by him, but this one in particular is called "For Times of Trouble" it has so many wonderful things in it.  On the back of the book he says this, "Yes, there will be stress and sorrow in life, and we will not always get the answer from heaven we prefer, but God will always give us the answer we need--and with it He will give both strength and spiritual solace in all our times of trouble."

I really feel that we have received every answer that we have been looking for.  We know that the Lord is always blessing our lives.  And we truly feel blessed in all that has happened to us! Even though it may be in "Times of Trouble" we are never left alone! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Update on Ron's Dad's funeral

Joseph Milton Beckstrand
April 16, 1924 - Oct. 22, 2013 
Joseph Milton Beckstrand, our loving husband, father, grand-father, and great grand-father, passed away into his Heavenly Father’s arms on October 22, 2013.  Joe was born April 16, 1924, in Hastings, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand to John Milton and Eva Lovell Beckstrand.  Joe was the oldest of five boys and enjoyed working on the farm, riding horses, hunting, fishing, and all sports. 

While other young men were going on missions dad was drafted to serve in the armed forces.  Dad served as Private 1st class in the 28th Division, 112 Infantry regiment, company D during World War II.  He was trained and served as a gunner on a 3 man machine gun crew.  He was taken prisoner of war during the “Battle of the Bulge.” He was wounded and was awarded the Purple Heart before he was honorably discharged.  

Upon returning from being a prisoner of war his Aunt Edith introduced him to her neighbor and his eternal companion Jean Lambert.  They were married on August 4, 1949 in the Logan LDS temple.  Their eternal companionship was blessed with six children.  Education was very important to dad.  He attended Southern Utah State from 1946-48 then he transferred to Utah State University and graduated in 1950 with a major in Animal Industry and a minor in Agronomy and Zoology.

Joe was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints fulfilling many callings in the ward and stake.  He loved serving with the youth of the church and did so faithfully for more than 26 years.  He served as a member of the Bishopric and was always a faithful Home Teacher.  His most recent call was serving in the Bountiful Temple which he dearly loved.  

Spending time with his family was what made Joe the happiest.  Whether it was telling a grand-child a story, or fishing in Yellowstone, or in the mountains with his family camping... he loved being with his family.  

Joe is survived by his 6 children, Sandra Beckstrand, Janice Hough (Bryan), Craig Beckstrand (Tylene), Neil Beckstrand (Laurie), Ronald Beckstrand (Lori), and Mark Beckstrand (Karin); 23 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren.  He is also survived by his brothers Harold (NaDean) Beckstrand, Gordon (Norma) Beckstrand, Mervin (Carolyn) Beckstrand, and Linford (Mary Louise) Beckstrand. Preceded in death by his parents, and beloved wife Jean Lambert Beckstrand of over 60 years together in this life, but an eternity awaits them. 

Our family deeply appreciates his tender loving care provided for his dear wife during her years of health issues and for his care of his daughter Sandra.  

Funeral Services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, October 26, 2013 at the Val Verda Second Ward Chapel located at 3317 South 800 West, Bountiful. Viewing services will be Friday evening from 6-8 p.m. at Russon Brothers Bountiful Mortuary, 295 North Main, and Saturday at the church one hour prior to services.  Interment-Lakeview Cemetery

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22, 2013

October 22, 2013 at 3:30 am Ron's dad passed away.  It has been a very sad two days for our family.  Joe (Ron's dad) was doing what he loved most spending time in West Meadow deer hunting with one of his boys.  An accident happened and Joe was thrown from the ATV suffering life threatening injuries.  He was life flighted to Utah Valley Hospital where he was treated most of the day Monday and into the early morning hours of Tuesday.  He was taken off life support and went home to his loving wife after he was given much love from many of his children and grandchildren who were by his side.  He is an amazing man who we will miss on this earth life, but look forward with much anticipation in greeting him in the world to come.  

This is Ron, Logan, Mark Joe, and Keaton at the last deer hunt in the Uintah mountains. 
Joe was so happy that he could make it to Logan and Lauren's wedding. It was a fun day to have him with us. And it meant so much to Logan. 
Logan always called Joe one of his Hero's!!!
Joe with three of his Great grand-daughters 
Chase and Kaylee too were so glad that he made it to their wedding. It was just over a year ago June of 2012.  
Ron is doing "OK" it has been a tough thing for him but he too is an amazing man!!! We have such wonderful children who are always by our side.  Logan and Lauren are planing on flying in to be with us and all the family will be together. We are so blessed.

We know that the atonement of our Savior is real, and that we will be able to see our beloved Father again! Families are forever and we know that we are sealed for eternity.  Joe is in a better place and we will be able to join him when our time comes.

I don't have all the details yet of the funeral services but when they are made I will post another update. As always prayers are so appreciated and I would say needed! They are one of the things that helps us get through all the hard times! We know that the Lord will continue to be by our side.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

October 20th 2013 Happy Day to Emma Rae/updates on Ron...

Today is our first granddaughters 7th birthday!! We Love her so much and had a wonderful time going to play with her yesterday.  
First stop....PUPPIES!!! and they were soooooo cute!!!
Maggie loved them!!!

Grace and Emma these puppies were adorable!!! And of course so are the girls!!!

Next we went to do some ceramics Ron was very intent on his!

Off to dinner....

We had a wonderful day!!! Love spending time with these 3 girlie girls!! What fun!!
 Me, Lindsey, and Ron we are so blessed!! 
Happy Birthday "Miss Rae" we love you so much!!!

So as far as Ronald goes well........ He has been on his new drug for 30 days now.  And what has happened? Not much unfortunately.  He had the radiation and it seems to have helped in his pain when he walks, but has not completely taken all the pain away.  He has also had more pain increase in other parts of his body.  Mostly in his right side and we suspect it is his only kidney, and his side have been giving him a significant amount of pain.  Ron is not one to take any kind of extra pain meds so I know it is bad when he does, and this week he has taken more than usual.  

We have some paperwork that we need to take to the doctor on Monday, and we will be asking him about this problem with his pain when we go in there tomorrow.  Ron does not have an appointment to meet with the doctor until after his MRI scan in November so I plan on asking the nurse any questions that I have when we see her.  The problem is we know that the drugs he has taken so far have not worked and we fear that the one he is on now is falling in that same "Not working" category! But we will not give up! We are continuing to pray that there will be no new brain tumors so that Ron will be able to start this new trial drug! ASAP!!!

We continue to have faith that all that we are going through is in The Lords hands.  And we will follow him always! Elder Jeffery R. Holland who is an amazing apostle said this, "In times of extreme difficulty, the only strength upon which we can fully rely is Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.  Indeed, any tribulation will be considered well worth it if it humbles us, increases our faith, and brings us closer to Him who bought us with his own pain and blood. In the depths of despair we may find ourselves coming to know him in a completely new way, finding that he goes before us on our right hand and on our left, that his spirit is in our hearts, and that his angels are round about us to bear us up." 

We have felt many angels around us, many times throughout this journey.  We have been so very blessed! We are so thankful for the many blessings that the Lord continues to give us.  We will continue to fight as long as Ron has any fight left in him!!! 


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8th 2013..... One year ago this very week!!!!

So here we are.... One year ago this very week we were told our lives would never be the same!! I have to say, it was a devastating day! Not one that I don't think anyone would be ready for.  We had many tears! Many worries and many prayers! We didn't really know where to begin or what to do.  So we took a deep breath, got it together, and said, "Ok if this is the direction the Lord wants us to go then we have to figure out what he wants us to do and what he wants us to learn from this trial."  And we have been trying to do that ever since.  
We are currently at the Huntsman Center for the day.  It's Ron's "LONG" day as we have had blood work, met with his oncologist, and we are now in the infusion room for his 4 hour infusion of Panidronate, which is to help his bones fight the cancer from coming back into them! This is the one he does once a month for, FOR EVER!!! (that makes me think of the sandlot if you haven't seen that show you need to!!)

Results from the labs all look good.  In speaking with his doc today I was told something that hit me, that I'm sure he has said before but, I guess I was listening better today who knows, but he said, "the drug that Ron is on right now called INLYTA its generic name is AXITINIB (AX-ih-TIH-nib), is NOT and I repeat NOT a chemo therapy which is what I have been calling it as well as the other one he was on before.  There is no chemo for kidney cancer.  I don't know why I thought that was what he was on.  He said no it's a biological therapy (target therapy) and they each have different "medians" or average length of span that they will work on a patient.  The one that Ron is on now AXITINIB only has a 6 month median, which I did not like at all.  But he reminded me that this is only an average and Ron has had a lot of other good things working on his behalf and hopefully it will work for a longer period of time.

But then he gave us more hope.... There is a new drug that is out there that Ron would qualify for if he can go for 3 months with out any brain tumors!!! He had his last MRI in September and his next one is scheduled for November 5th.  If when he has that done there is no new tumors he will qualify for this new drug that has had great results!!!!!! So what are we praying for?  No NEW TUMORS!!! His doc was very excited about this possibility as are we!!

So for now he will continue on the AXITINIB, which seems to be much better tolerated than the sutten was, and continue to pray for the guidance and blessings as we continue on this journey!

We had a great weekend with our girls this past weekend always tons of fun!!!
Emma and Grace frosting and eating cookies! 
Maggie has discovered her tongue! Just like Logan use to!!!
Snuggling with Maggie is the best!! 
Thats where we stand as of today.  More waiting, hoping, praying, and counting on the Lords blessings to come our way.  And realizing that we truly are in the Lords hands, and that as Ron always says, "there is always HOPE!"

"Even if you cannot always see that silver lining on your clouds, God can.  For He is the very source of the light you seek."  --Jeffery R. Holland

And Pres. Monson said, "The future is as bright as your faith."  And faith is something that we both have a lot of!!!

Thank you so much to you all for the many kind words, love and prayers that you have shown to us both! It truly means more than we could ever express!!! Please don't stop we will be praying hard that his brain remains tumor free for this next scan, so that he will qualify for the new drug! Until then lets have some fun enjoying this wonderful time of year!! Bring on the Christmas Music!!!!